Wednesday, January 14, 2009

OK, well, it seems that /t's weather system is warmer than mine, so it got me to thinking (uh-oh) maybe that should be a rating, too.
I mean, there's wind-chill, which is what the weather would feel like when you consider in the wind.
Maybe there should be a Canadian rating.
So, the CR for -12F would be a balmy 22.
/t would be searching for the suntan lotion should the temps get to there. It's what the Canadians would feel like the weather would be if....

And, I suppose, we should conversely also consider using someone from, say, Florida. Maybe a Lil Lamb? Of course, the wool's gotta go, so, after we shave her down some, we hold her outside in the -12 degree weather, and then ask her what it feels like....
"And, what does it feel like, Lil Lamb?"
({({ chatter chatter chatter bbbbbbbrbrrbrbrbrrrrrrr chatter})})

OK, well, she's holding up her leg in a gesture....uh. I think the experiment is over.....
"somebody get Miss Lamb her wool...."

OK, well, that didn't pan out so good....


darkfoam said...

keep on paning ..
..and lord .. i'm so biting my tongue here.

dianne said...

Boney, I think Miss Lamb just gave you the 'finger'. :-) ♥

Anonymous said...

little lamb...

oh! i have matches!


friendly wanderers

Internal News

Internal News
(did he say 'internal news'?....well, no. He wrote 'internal news'....Well, what does that mean?....I dunno. Let's go look, shall we?)

Yeah....I know....